Tânia Cerqueira | Lino Guerreiro
Created in the academic year of 2008-2009, the Metropolitana’s Professional Schools (EPM) has overcome a long felt necessity in musical education. The success of EPM is evident through the quality of the students and the training they receive; the results obtained in national and international competitions, as well as in festivals and public auditions, are significant. Benefiting from an unprecedented musical environment, the EPM students have the advantage of working in a professional context with the Metropolitana’s orchestras.
At this moment EPM has the educational offer of the following courses:
Basic Instrument Course
(Level II – equivalent to the 9th grade)
String and Key Instrumentist
(Level IV – equivalent to the 12th grade)
Wind and percussion instrumentalist
(Level IV – equivalent to the 12th grade of schooling)
Regular public concerts with formations composed of EPM students, or integrated in other groups of the Metropolitana, have been the main vehicle for the dissemination of the work developed. They are an essential pedagogical resource for the acquisition of skills by the students.
At this moment, EPM students develop in their weekly formation an intense work in orchestra and chamber music, and it is possible to form several ensembles that stand out for their quality:
> Orquestra Clássica Metropolitana
> Orquestra de Sopros Metropolitana
> Orquestra Júnior EPM
> Coro EPM
> Percussões Metropolitana
> Ensemble de Saxofones Metropolitana
> Ensemble de Clarinetes EPM
> Mopho Ensemble
> Big Band EPM
> Mix Ensemble
> Camerata EPM