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Special Admission Contest


Regulation of the Special Competition for Access and Admission of International Students at the ANSO | Public Notice about the Special Competition for  International Students | Tuition and Enrolment Fees | Table of Charges and Emoluments


The special admission contest for International Students covers students who, cumulatively:

Do not have Portuguese nationality, except:

> Nationals of a member state of the European Union;

> Family members of Portuguese or nationals of a member state of the European Union, regardless of their nationality;

> Those who, not being nationals of a member state of the European Union, have legally resided in Portugal for more than two years, on an uninterrupted basis, on January 1st of the year in which they intend to enter higher education, as well as the children with them reside, and the residence time for study is not relevant for this purpose;

> The beneficiaries, on January 1 of the year in which they intend to enter higher education, with the status of equal rights and duties attributed under the international treaty granted between the Portuguese State and the State of which they are nationals;

> Those, who apply to higher education admission through the special regimes,

Are holders of:

> Qualification that gives access to higher education, understood as any diploma or certificate issued by a competent authority that attests to the approval of a teaching program and gives them the right to apply and be able to enter higher education in the country in which it was conferred;

> Are holders of a Portuguese secondary education diploma or a legally equivalent qualification.


Only international students are admitted to this competition who, cumulatively:

> Demonstrate specific academic qualifications for entry into the study cycle set for the study cycle in question within the scope of the general access and admission regime, proving that this knowledge is of a level and content equivalent to that of students admitted through the general access regime and admission;

> Have a level of knowledge of the Portuguese language required to attend this cycle of studies.

Study Guide

a) Application form, provided by ANSO, duly completed;

b) Declaration, on honor, that the candidate fulfills all the requirements for the International Student status and is not covered by any of the conditions listed in paragraphs 2 of article 2 of the Regulation of the Special Competition for Access and Admission of International Students in the ANSO;

c) Document proving the completion of Portuguese secondary education or legally equivalent qualification, as well as the respective classifications obtained *;

d) Document proving the ownership of a qualification that, in the country in which it was obtained, gives you the right to apply and enter higher education in that country, as well as the respective classification, proving its validation by the competent entity of that country *;

e) Document proving the performance of tests judged to be of a level and content equivalent to those provided by students admitted through the general access and admission regime, as well as the ratings obtained from them *;

f) Intermediate Diploma of Portuguese as a Foreign Language, level B2, or another level B2 certificate of mastery of the Portuguese language issued by a Portuguese higher education institution, or proof of a sufficient command of the Portuguese language by international students who in the last two years have resided, uninterruptedly, in a country with an official Portuguese language (document issued by the competent services of the State where the student resided);

g) Passport or residence permit;

h) A photograph;

i) Proof of payment of fees and charges due

* The documents referred to in paragraphs c), d) and e) must be translated whenever they are not issued in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish, and endorsed by the consular service or presented with the apposition of the Hague Apostille by the competent authority of the State which issued the original document.


1st  Phase from 13th till 31sh of May 2024
2nd Phase: from 17th of June till 12th of July 2024
3 Phase: from 30th of September till 4th of October 2024


1st  Phase: from 8th till 28th of April 2024
2nd Phase:  from 3d till 10th of June 2024
3 Phase: from 23d till 26th of September 2024


up to 8 days after publication of the results of the admission exams


up to 8 days after publication of the results of the applications