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Susana Salgueiro

Susana Salgueiro

Susana Salgueiro

Teacher with a degree in Physical Education – Special Education and Rehabilitation branch by the Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, with post-graduation and Specialized Training in Special Education by Universidade Moderna (2005) and Master in Portuguese Sign Language and Deaf Education by the Instituto de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Católica Portuguesa (2008). Additionally, he holds a 5th degree in Piano and Music Training from the Academia dos Amadores de Música.

She has been working for 28 years in the Jacob Rodrigues Pereira Education and Development Center of Casa Pia of Lisbon, a school specialized in teaching deaf children, highlighting the co-creation, implementation and development of the RitmoS Project (musical project, since 2003) aimed at deaf children and young people (from 3 years old), in the implementation of the Theater for All Project in articulation with the D. Maria Theater and São Luiz Theater aimed at deaf children and young people. Maria Theatre and São Luiz Theatre for deaf students (from 2013), for the participation (monitor) with deaf young people in the Prémio Infante D. Henrique (2013-2016), for the creation and development (in collaboration with the Music Education teacher) of the Pianíssimo Project (initiation to piano practice for deaf children, 2014) and for the creation and development of the ExpressArte Project with deaf young people and adults of the Adult Training and Qualification Center (2022 to date).

Collaborated with several media (television programs and magazines) in order to publicize the RitmoS Project.